Welcome Neighbor STL/START began in the fall of 2016 with a toiletry drive for newly-arrived refugee families and has organically grown into a multi-faceted organization with over 4,000 supporters and has helped more than 600 refugees from 11 countries.
The original call to action was to help Syrian refugee families living at Hodiamont since the news reported they were being targeted and newly transplanted teens were beaten.
Welcome Neighbor STL has grown from pairing volunteers with the new American families to teaching English, organizing supper clubs/catering events, driving lessons, citizenship classes, family outings, holiday gatherings, and COVID-19 vaccine appointments.
After establishing roots in the community, our new American friends participate in a giveback program to make thousands of meals for the unhoused. The “pay it forward” mentality has led to create a system of lifting people up while giving back and serving the St. Louis community.
Our mission is to ensure equal access to healthcare, mental health, and social services for all, regardless of national origin or language ability, through the advocacy, education, and direct multilingual services that we provide.
Our Mission: To provide quality, comprehensive, and affordable childcare and preschool education in a nurturing, creative environment for St. Louis-area families of all economic backgrounds.
3901 Russell Blvd.
St Louis, MO 63110
(314) 865-5244
Friends of Kids with Cancer is devoted to enriching the daily lives of children undergoing treatment for, and survivors of, cancer and blood-related diseases. Our mission is to be an advocate for these special kids providing them and their families with the educational, emotional, and recreational support needed as a result of the long hours of chemotherapy, illness and isolation.
Friends of Kids with Cancer
16 Sunnen Drive
Suite 161
Saint Louis, Missouri 63143
(314) 275-7440
(314) 275-7446
St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness is a small but mighty group of women and men who are determined to raise the profile of ovarian cancer in our community.
Simply stated, we work to increase awareness of ovarian cancer, to create a place where patients and survivors can find support, and to fund important research. Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of gynecologic cancers. Each year, nearly 22,000 women are diagnosed with the disease; each year, nearly 15,000 will die of it. This organization is doing everything in their power to stop it.
and see what you can do to help!
In May of 2016, Amazing Gracie's Legacy was launched in honor of Gracie Lynn West, who gained her angel wings on April 30, 2016. Her family's plan has always been - through her legacy, take steps in making the world a better place through Random Acts of Kindness, including, but not limited to funding and gifting others.
The focus is on those who were able to provide for themselves before receiving the blessing of a special needs child or children. AGL supports in ways not covered by existing programs, that are of an urgent nature, or serve a purpose otherwise unmet.
They have an INCREDIBLE board and group of volunteers that meet in love and dedication for our sweet Gracie for the planning and delivery of the services and support of Amazing Gracie's Legacy.
Eating disorders are real, complex and devastating conditions that have serious consequences for health, productivity and relationships. They affect 10% of the population and have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. Someone dies from an eating disorder every 62 minutes. In Missouri, over 575,000 people will suffer from a serious eating disorder during their lifetime. Four out of ten people know someone with an eating disorder.
Help MOEDA change the conversation about eating disorders and replace it with a conversation of health and compassion. They are teaching the entire community that Eating Disorders are serious mental illnesses and NOT lifestyle choices!
Choosing an eating disorder professional or treatment center is an important and personal decision. Whether you are putting together an outpatient treatment team or looking for a higher level of care, it is imperative that you invest time into finding the right professionals to partner with. Recovery is possible, congratulations on taking the first steps on your personal journey to recovery. If you have any questions or need assistance with the resource center, please contact MOEDA at info@moeatingdisorders.org.
Please use the learning center to gain valuable information on the types of eating disorders, the symptoms, health risks and statistics associated with each eating disorder. Treatment information is also included regarding goals and available types of treatment for eating disorders. Recovery is possible and included are recovery statistics. If you have additional questions, please contact us at education@moeatingdisorders.org.
The Missouri Eating Disorders Association (MOEDA) understands that insurance companies continually deny or cut short treatment services. Missouri is the first state to expand insurance coverage for eating disorders. Effective January 2017, Senate Bill 145 explicitly states the types of eating disorder treatments insurance providers must cover. The new law builds on the mental health parity law by expanding the definition of “medically necessary” to include mental health treatment. It will also ensure that weight no longer serves as the sole determinant for whether someone may continue treatment.
To read the Senate Bill 145 Summary click here: http://www.senate.mo.gov/15info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=134952
Recovery is always developing for an individual. Proper treatment and patient dedication can make eating disorder recovery possible. Without treatment, up to 20% of people with eating disorders will die. BUT, with treatment, that number falls to 2-3%.
Their mission is 'BREAKING THE CYCLE OF POVERTY, TWO GENERATIONS AT A TIME. The statistics are dire: 42% of children born into poverty are still poor a generation later. But for some single moms, their child becomes their motivation to break the cycle of poverty and build a better life for themselves and their children. Almost Home provides resources to do that!
Household of 2 - $15,930 per year
Household of 3 - $20,090 per year
The statistics are dire: 42% of children born into poverty are still poor a generation later. But for some single moms, their child becomes their motivation to break the cycle of poverty and build a better life for themselves and their children. Almost Home provides resources to do that!
ALMOST HOME is a proven pathway out of poverty. Our comprehensive programs are designed for highly motivated young women who are ready to work for a brighter future.
Our donors are as inspiring to us as our moms. They know what it means to dream big, take risks, be disappointed, persevere, overcome obstacles, and achieve success They believe in the value of hard work, and are inspired to invest in a young mom who has put it all on the line for a better future! Please visit us at www.almosthomestl.org.
Nothing’s better than seeing our moms move out on their own, get new jobs and provide for their children. We see moms every day beat the odds and turn their lives around. It’s about working hard and not giving up. It’s about learning new skills and understanding how to affect change in their lives. Our moms making it today have the confidence it takes to make a difference in their lives and the lives of their children. It’s the grit, determination and will-power our girls demonstrate as we help guide them down a new path. We’re proud of all they’ve accomplished.
Before they came to Almost Home, Marshawn and Marquan’s lives were unstable and unpredictable. Their mom lacked a support system, and she didn’t know how to provide for her sons. But she’s determined to create a better life. So every morning, this 19-year-old mother of two woke up at 4:15am so that she could get her sons ready and catch the 5am bus that got them to daycare and school on time. She made steady progress, and today she’s a high school graduate! She’s continuing to work towards a trade certification, and soon they will move into their first apartment. Marqetta’s dedication and perseverance has allowed her to provide stability and safety for Marshawn and Marquan!
FRC, which started as a pilot project at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in 1974, is now one of Missouri’s largest family counseling agencies.Through innovative programs the FRC's mission is: “To give abused kids a chance for a better life by preventing & treating all forms of child abuse & neglect & by strengthening families through family-centered therapeutic, educational, and support services.” mers a reason to do business with you.
FamilyForward is the result of a merger between Children’s Home Society of Missouri and Family Resource Center, two of St. Louis’ most accomplished and leading-edge non-profit organizations. With 171 years of combined experience helping children and families, the agencies united in April 2017 from positions of strength to better serve the community.
We are leaders in the use of innovative tools and methods to get better results for the children and families we serve. We prefer to set the pace, testing new ideas and collecting data; always striving to make the biggest impact we can.
We are tirelessly committed to the vision and mission of FamilyForward. We use our unique talents and expertise to serve our clients and community with compassion, acceptance, and respect.
We are responsible stewards of an organization with a long and proud history of service. Reliable, trustworthy, and hard-working, we do whatever it takes to get the job done, even when no one is watching.
The mission of Girls in the Know is to educate and empower girls, together with those who love them, by providing tools to establish a strong sense of self.
We know growing up in today’s culture is tough…
Providing a strong foundation for communication is the key to raising strong authentic women of tomorrow. When girls have positive communication at home they report it helps them establish their individual values, make healthier decisions, develop a stronger sense of self while experiencing less depression and anxiety.
The Girls in the Know Empowerment Workshop Series is designed for girls ages 9-13* and their trusted adults to discuss life’s most important topics:
Presenting 4 one-hour interactive sessions:
SESSION ONE: “Empowering Your Pre-Teen Girl”
*Covering topics not limited to but including: Influences on self-esteem, peer pressure, recognizing your positive qualities, friendship, managing conflict, choose to diffuse role play, I-statements and being assertive, friendship role play, scenario activity
SESSION TWO: “Promoting A Healthy Body Image”
*Covering topics not limited to but including: Internal vs. External characteristics, body image & media influence, fitness- nutrition, fitness- activity, movement & restoration, true/false activity
SESSION THREE: “All About Safety: Internet, Safety, Home & Away”
*Covering topics not limited to but including: Trusted adults, home alone safety, code phrases, away from home, cell phones/internet/social media & cyber bullying, scenarios activity
SESSION FOUR: “Let’s Talk Puberty, What Pre-Teen Girls Should Know“
*Covering topics not limited to but including: Accurate use of terminology, T.H.I.N.K. activity, puberty/body changes/menstrual cycle, taking care of yourself during your period/hygiene, male anatomy, human reproduction, safe touch, promise to myself, true/false activity, matching activity.
To make a donation online, please go to www.girlsintheknow.org. To mail a donation by check please mail to our address below. For additional information please contact us at 314-717-1270, info@girlsintheknow.org, or reach out on Facebook or Twitter.
Girls in the Know
20 South Sarah Street
St. Louis, MO 63108
At Connections to Success, we provide a comprehensive network of services and support to help people living in poverty become economically self-sufficient. Our model, with lifelong mentoring at its core, delivers evidence-based results and impacts all areas of a person’s life. This is built upon our mission and values.
We’ve created EEOC approved training programs specifically designed to engage and motivate your workforce.
Our proprietary programs can be licensed by your organization to help break the cycle of poverty in your community.
From the beginning, Connections to Success has been a volunteer-driven organization. We depend on the time and talent of hundreds of people each year to create lasting positive change in our communities. Individual and group volunteer opportunities exist within each of our locations and programs.
Connections to Success offers a wonderful pop-up shopping events throughout the year at our St. Charles boutique location, and you’ll find us at a number of community fashion/charity events in the St. Louis area. You can also schedule private shopping times in our vault or schedule group shopping parties with us.
Poverty is often associated with not having enough money or not having a job, but it’s more complex than that. Poverty involves multifaceted, interconnected factors and can spark a cycle that impacts generations of families. Living in poverty often limits educational and training opportunities for children and young adults, making it difficult to obtain a job with a living wage as an adult or parent. The cycle of poverty has a widespread impact, contributing to issues like crime, unemployment, poor health, domestic violence, isolation and depression.
We use a holistic, evidence-based model that integrates multiple services to help individuals and families gain social capital and achieve economic independence. As our participants benefit, so do their families and communities. We take an intergenerational approach, working to improve outcomes for both parents and their children through our own programs and collaborations with other service providers.
We meet people where they are and help them move toward a place of personal, economic and social strength. Our model integrates training opportunities, life transformation coaching, support services and job development to equip participants for long-term success.
We then offer ongoing support to foster continued growth and career advancement. Recognizing the importance of lifelong engagement, we connect program graduates with volunteer mentors who can guide them in accomplishing their life goals.
Kathy Lambert, Co-Founder and CEO, opened Dress for Success Midwest in 1998 after reading an article about Dress for Success (DfS), New York. The article explained how DfS provided interview appropriate attire to women in disadvantaged situations, helping them be on the same playing field as other candidates. Understanding the need for this service locally, Kathy opened the first DfS affiliate in the St. Louis region.
Since our creation in 1998, we’ve served nearly 25,000 people through our locations in KS, MO and IL thanks to the support of our wonderful donors, partners, volunteers and staff. We are honored to journey alongside the individuals and families who come through our doors as they move toward their goals, dreams and economic independence.